Sunday, December 20, 2009

Last Saturday,I saw a movie...AVATAR
This movie was so grate,absolutely grate!!
I will tell you something about this movie..
But I forget already,what names with the character..I remember the character is a human
After that,when the hero sleep in the machine,his soul will came out and move to the blue monster AVATAR body..But when the AVATAR sleep the human will wake up
Then the hero was lost in the jungle..In the night the hero was attack by the monster dog!just as well,the heroine was killed the dog and save the hero,but the heroine was so sad,because she is killed the dog...Then ada banyak lagi saya tak tahu cakap...
After the event,hero and the heroine was fall in love,but the bad human was try to destroyed the jungle..But the hero also is a human,he feel this is a wrong way of doing things..The hero to decide protect this jungle....

phoew~so hard to write english was so bad!!but i will NO STOP to learn more english
thank you~==
this movie are not bad..YOU MUST go and see it!!
and today is Liew Hui Hui birthday,happy birthday!!And blessing you have a good future^^


  1. omoishiroineh this movie~ my english is bed than u haha i will learn ur spirit so brave
    because i always no confident to write english

  2. nononono..your english are better than me!
    when I wrote blog,i need a dictionary..if don't i will die!
    i just muka sangat tebal,tak nak face,bukan apa brave~haha

  3. me also need dictionary write a word haha

  4. neh~itu Low Shun Shi punnya english sangat hebat punnya geh!kita boleh belajar dengan dia!
